MFC Borium Bullets
Available in Three Sizes
$29.00 |
The borium (tungsten carbide crystals) is located inside a small piece of copper tubing which is just the right size for either a toe borium or a heel borium puddle.
Offered in boxes of bullets sufficient to do four horses (one toe bullet and two heel bullets per hoof), these Borium Bullet packages also contain the flux needed to protect the brazing rod from oxidation.
Just heat the toe of the shoe in your forge, remove the shoe, and use your wire brush to remove scale from the toe of the shoe. Then sprinkle the flux on the toe and place the bullet. Sprinkle a little more flux over the bullet and place the toe back in the fire. Wait until the Borium Bullet collapses. At the very second the bullet collapses (completely collapses) remove the shoe from the fire and hold it level for five to ten seconds. Then reverse the shoe to do the same procedure on both heels at the same time.